Questions to Ask When Hiring a Powder Coating Service
Is it time for your metal products to get a new coat of paint? Liquid paint can get the job done, but it has the potential to be a blotchy or uneven. If you want the best look with the necessary protection, powder coating is the way to go.
Powder coating offers a lot of benefits to your metal products. The coat will be nice and even all around and the texture can be manipulated to be like an orange peel, which is useful if you want to prevent fingerprints and hide some unsightly defects. To get it done properly, you need a powder coating company’s help. You only deserve the best, however, so here are some important questions to ask when hiring a powder coating service.
How Much Experience Do You Have with Powder Coating?
When it comes to skilled labor like powder coating, experience is the most important factor. Someone who is bad at powder coating isn’t likely to last in the industry for very long, so the more jobs they have under their belt, the more likely it is that they’ll leave you satisfied with their work. Not all powder coating jobs are created equal either. Having someone with a lot of experience means they probably have dealt with a variety of different jobs and can handle whatever you need powder coated.
Do you Have Any Samples of Your Work?
A great way to learn what your end product will look like is to see examples of work the contractor has done before. A lot of the time, examples of their work can be found on their website. If the company you’re looking into doesn’t have a very robust website, they either are stuck in the past or are brand new. Neither option is very appealing if you want quality work done. Our facility offers many sample swatches of color examples. We also offer tours of our facility to show our customers how we process their parts.
Can I Call Your References?
When you’re picking a powder coating company, you have to treat them like they’re interviewing for a job. You can view examples of their work, but the best way to know what they’re like is to hear from satisfied customers themselves. Much like a job interview, you don’t actually have to call these references if you don’t feel it’s necessary. The mere fact that the company has them to offer is a great sign.
Now that you know questions to ask when hiring a powder coating service, it’s time to pick the one that’s right for you. If you want quality coating and premier customer service, AR Powder Coating is the ideal choice. We’re dedicated to making our client’s metal parts more aesthetically pleasing and protected from the elements. Contact us today!